Good news comes for the users of the rewards platform Lolli. It has now partnered with the prestigious firm Postmates. Lolli also has two other partners like the grocery chain Safeway and The Bitcoins reward platform has announced that 40% of the users that are on the platform are the new users of cryptocurrency. The platform has also clarified that a major objective of the steps taken by it so far is to see that Bitcoin enters the mainstream market. The partnership with Postmates is also a part of this phenomenon.
This is not the first time attempts are being made by the entities in the industry to see to it that Bitcoin makes an entry in into the mainstream economic system. There is a while before that happens; however, this news has seen to it that the users of Lolli gain more convenience in the manner in which the operations take place.
It is yet to be determined as to the manner in which the company will bring about the changes in its administration as the year progresses and process in which the partnerships will work out for the company.